At Wash Force, we pride ourselves on revitalizing the exteriors of homes and commercial properties across Central Wisconsin, ensuring they look their best and are well-maintained. Our exterior cleaning services are comprehensive, eco-friendly, and designed to cater to a range of surfaces and materials. Here's a closer look at our meticulous cleaning methods and the services we offer:
Our pressure washing services are ideal for durable surfaces that require thorough cleaning. This method effectively removes stubborn dirt, grime, mold, and mildew, leaving surfaces pristine and sanitized. It’s particularly effective for cleaning driveways, sidewalks, and patios.
Soft washing is a gentler cleaning method, perfect for delicate surfaces like roofing and siding, which can be damaged by high pressure. It utilizes eco-friendly cleaning solutions to eradicate algae, moss, and dirt without compromising the integrity of the material.
Our roof washing services are designed to eliminate the accumulation of moss, algae, and lichens, prolonging the life of the roof. We use soft washing techniques and specialized solutions to ensure a gentle yet effective cleaning process.
We offer house washing services to cleanse every part of your home's exterior, from the siding to the windows. We carefully select the cleaning method—whether it's pressure or soft washing—to best suit the materials of your home, removing dirt and algae and restoring curb appeal.
Gutter cleaning is crucial for maintaining the water drainage system of a property. We remove debris, leaves, and blockages from gutters and downspouts, ensuring optimal functionality and preventing water damage and foundation issues.
Our window cleaning services guarantee streak-free, clear views by removing dirt, smudges, and water spots from the glass. We use specialized cleaning agents and tools to polish windows to perfection, enhancing the overall appearance of the property.
We specialize in cleaning and restoring decks and fences, removing mildew, stains, and weather-induced discoloration. Our gentle cleaning methods revitalize the wood, maintaining its integrity and prolonging its life.
For our commercial clients, we offer a suite of exterior cleaning services tailored to maintain the professional appearance of commercial properties. From building facades to parking lots, we ensure every aspect of the property is immaculate and inviting.
Wash Force is the premier exterior cleaning company in Central Wisconsin, combining expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to deliver unmatched results. Our team of trained professionals is committed to exceeding expectations and providing a seamless, satisfying experience for every client.
Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, Wash Force is equipped to handle all your exterior cleaning needs, ensuring your property is beautiful, safe, and well-maintained. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us rejuvenate the appearance of your home or commercial property!
Recent Reviews From Local Customers:
Recent Customers
Have Said...
Pressure Washing
I am blown away by how clean my house looks. I thought we were going to have to repaint it! We hired Wash Force to come in and power wash our house. They explained to us what soft washing was and were very thorough with the quoting process. I am very please with the final outcome!
Jeffries M
Servicing Areas:
- Marshfield
- Wausau
- Stevens Point
- Wisconsin Rapids
- Merrill
- Mosinee
- Plover
- Stratford
- Spencer
- Abbotsford
- Antigo
- Minocqua
- Tomahawk